InfoVisor uses several basic methods of data input into databases. One of them is intended for manual input of number arrays in a convenient cross-table form. InfoVisor Combiner is the key tool for this method. This method requires the presence of analytical metadata in a database. Moreover, data modification must be enabled in metadata models. Input forms may be saved in InfoVisor Analyzer as Excel files. Filled forms may be uploaded to databases by means of InfoVisor Combiner.
The method includes several steps, and information system administrator must control implementation of this method on every step. The method is able to facilitate support of an integrated database.
InfoVisor Combiner solves the problem of data input into fact tables of star-scheme databases (this scheme is almost always used for multidimensional data storage in relational DBMS).
InfoVisor Combiner allows:
- Open and edit input forms that were saved in InfoVisor Analyzer and filled with numeric data.
- Upload data from input forms into a database.
- Control operations by means of a system log file.